Citizenship and Naturalization

How we help

US citizenship through the naturalization process is the end of a long journey for many immigrants. Citizenship has many benefits, such as the right to vote and hold public office, eligibility for certain government jobs, more convenience when traveling internationally, and the ability to sponsor certain family members for legal permanent residence in the US. We help clients go through the naturalization process so that they may realize these benefits for themselves and have a secure future in this country.

Children may derive citizenship when one or both parents naturalize as US citizens. Citizenship could also be acquired at birth even for those born outside the US, depending on when they were born and their family circumstances.

Most naturalization applications are straightforward, but guidance from an immigration attorney for more complex cases is necessary. We can help with the following:

  • Determining the effect of extended travel abroad during the residence period
  • Evaluating whether a criminal record will prevent you from naturalizing or put you at risk of removal proceedings
  • Getting a waiver of the citizenship tests due to a medical disability or exemption from the English language requirement due to age and length of residence
  • Identifying any issues related to divorce, employment or taxes that may affect the application
  • Examining claims of acquired citizenship or derivative citizenship

More immigration services

Work Visas and Employment Immigration

Investor Immigration

Family Immigration

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